comedy4cast at Dragon*Con 2013

It’s almost that time again. comedy4cast is headed back to Atlanta for Dragon*Con. This convention bills itself as is the largest multi-media, popular culture convention in the universe, focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film.

With so much going on, how can you find us? It’s easy. Here’s a list.

Friday, August 30

2:30pm #PizzaFriday lunch at the Mellow Mushroom
We can’t let a Friday go by without enjoying a slice or two (or three). Meet on the sidewalk outside the Peachtree Street entrance to the Hyatt Regency (the doors just past the hotel’s “Sway” restaurant) at 2:30pm for a short walk over to the Mellow Mushroom, 400 West Peachtree Street. Be sure to follow comedy4cast on Twitter for updates.

7:00pm comedy4cast and friends LIVE!
THE BIG ONE! This is comedy4cast’s only live show of the year and we want to see YOU there. This year the Podcasting track will be in Room 203 of the Hilton (second floor, right near the escalators). And be sure to stick around after our show for Technorama Live at 8:30pm.

Saturday, August 31

10am 12th Annual Dragon*Con Parade
If you’ve never seen the parade, you’ve missing out. It’s huge! Several blocks of downtown Atlanta are blocked off just for Dragon^Con. You’ll spot Star Wars Stormtroopers, Star Trek Redshirts, Wizards, Zombies, Superheros and more. Clinton be marching with the Men in Black group organized by Chuck and Kreg from Technorama. This year Clinton will don yet another too-hot-for-the-weather costume and be an alien from the MIB universe!

Sunday, September 1

5:30pm 2013 Parsec Awards
comedy4cast is honored to be a finalist for the Best Speculative Fiction Comedy/Parody Podcast award. Come and cheer us on (and all the other great podcasts). It’s always a fun time. The event will be held in the Regency V Ballroom at the Hyatt.

7:00pm Guiness Book of World Records Attempt
Dragon*Con will be attempting to break the world record for most people in “Star Trek” costumes in one place at one time. If the Parsec ceremony is over in time, Clinton will be rushing over to the Attrium Ballroom at the Marriott to help out with the attempt. Even if you can’t attend the Parsecs, Clinton asks you to grab your best Trek costume and help make history at this event!

If more gets added to the schedule, we’ll try to add it here. But Twitter is really the best place for up-to-the-minute details.

Experiencing Podcast Feed Issues!

Don’t panic! We haven’t gone away. But we are experiencing some feed issues. It’s all technical and stuff (and involves a bit of magic, I’m sure). We’ll have things back up and running as soon as we can!

comedy4cast at Dragon*Con 2012

It’s almost that time again. comedy4cast is headed back to Atlanta for Dragon^Con. This convention bills itself as is the largest multi-media, popular culture convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film in the universe! And it probably is! Attendance is well over 40,000 fans.

With so much going on, how can you find us? It’s easy. Here’s a list.

Friday, August 31

2:30pm #PizzaFriday lunch at the Mellow Mushroom
We can’t let a Friday go by without enjoying a slice or two (or three). Meet on the sidewalk outside the Peachtree Street entrance to the Hyatt Regency (the doors just past the hotel’s “Sway” restaurant) for the short walk over to the Mellow Mushroom, 400 West Peachtree Street. Clinton will be holding up a sign to make him easier to spot this year. Be sure to follow comedy4cast on Twitter for updates.

7:00pm comedy4cast and friends LIVE!
Yes! Can’t wait! This is comedy4cast’s only live show of the year and we want to see YOU there. Once again this year it will be in Room 204 of the Hilton (second floor, right near the escalators). And be sure to stick around after our show for Technorama Live at 8:30pm. Plus a special “Dog Days of Podcasting” wrap-up event. There’s even a possibility of chocolate. We’re just sayin’.

Saturday, September 1

10am 11th Annual Dragon^Con Parade
If you’ve never seen the parade, you’ve missed a treat. It is huge! Several blocks of downtown Atlanta are blocked off just for Dragon^Con. You’ll spot Star Wars Stormtroopers, Star Trek Redshirts, Wizards, Zombies, Superheros and more. Clinton be marching with the Men in Black group organized by Chuck and Kreg from Technorama. See if Clinton can actually pull off wearing a multi-layered costume in the middle of Hot-lanta!

4:00pm 2012 Parsec Awards
comedy4cast is honored to be a finalist for the Best Speculative Fiction Comedy/Parody Podcast award. Come and cheer us on (and all the other great podcasts). It’s always a fun time. The event will be held in the International North room of the Hyatt.

If more gets added to the schedule, we’ll try to add it here. But Twitter is really the best place for up-to-the-minute details.

Official comedy4cast events at Dragon*Con

I wanted to let you know about two great comedy4cast events at Dragon*Con.

First, Gary the Great asked on Twitter if there was going to be a Pizza Friday meetup, Yes, there will be. We’re going to assemble in front of the Hyatt and take the short walk over to the Mellow Mushroom, at 400 West Peachtree Street. Meet at 1pm (Friday, Sept. 2) on the sidewalk in front of the Peachtreet Street entrance to the Hyatt — that’s the side farthest away from the Marriott and Hilton. I’ll be there in my comedy4cast t-shirt. We’ll head off to lunch promptly at 1:05pm.

Then, our big event, comedy4cast and friends LIVE! will happen Sunday night at 7pm in room 204 of the Atlanta Hilton.That’s the main room for all Podcasting events. Chuck and Kreg from Technorama will be joining me, as well as Susie from How to Grow Your Geek. And, for the first time ever at our Dragon*Con show, Bonnie, my wife — and voice of Ms. Falmacher and Cindy, Lenny’s downstairs neighbor — will be on stage, too!

I’ll also be joining Chuck and Kreg in the parade on Saturday morning, attending the Parsec Awards on Saturday night and doing who knows what else over the weekend. I hope to see you at the con!

Oh, and listen for a new comedy4cast episode in September!